Reference Guide - People, Creatures and Other Beings of the Spirit Quest
Aeron. A Sylph from the treetop village of Llanfor. Warrior. Healer. Lover to Sara Mousahdeen.
Agnes North. Wife of the alchemist Roger North. Deceased.
Althaea, maiden warrior. Infamous mercenary captain of the early Second Age. The armies of Althaea controlled vast swaths of the southern hemisphere until she was betrayed by her sister Adelaide, which ultimately led to Althaea's death at the Battle of Red Waters. Reputed to have been the most beguiling vision ever to be seen on this or any other world.
Anatolius Laodicea. One of the foremost scholars of his day in the physical sciences. Provides a technique for the whitesmithing of clean steel.
Angharad. A Sylph from the treetop village of Llanfor. A skilled artist and deadly fighter. Spouse of Rhys the Hunter. Mother of Lily and Llewellyn.
Arthur, Spirit Bear. In Arthur's own words, "I am the spirit of all bears, and of many other creatures of the woods, great and small, all of them as they may be. In the spirit realm, I hold their souls in safekeeping for the time when they may once again be called to walk upon the living world. In the living realm, I guide the living and protect their spirits.”
Barghest. Ruthless leader of the White Brigade. Once, a very long time ago, Barghest was born of the living world.
Ben Worthing. One of the original Eight - the first of the Horsemen, charged by the King with protecting the Realm. Now, a guardian warrior of the spirit world.
Blue Newts. Blue newts are extremely intelligent creatures. It is said the enchanted blue newt connects heaven and earth through the spirit world. Their sloughed turquoise skin, when properly ground and made into the correct potion, can strengthen intuition and is a strong binder for some of the best protection spells.
Caiden. Brother of Cinead. Friend to Greyleaves and expert swordsman of the Sprite realm.
Chancellor Bryn. Keeper of the chancellery in Glahdring.
Chenoa. Healer of the real Tuath Dé underground rebel tribe.
Cinaed. The leader of the sprite mages at Darkwood Caill. Brother of Caiden.
The Circle of Three. A group of expert mages from the First Age, known for creating some of the most powerful magical objects ever devised.
Codwarth. Roughly translated, meaning Deadly Nightshade. A massive, deadly, crow-like creature that attacks silently and without warning from out of the night sky.
Demon Rogues. Mouthless, sightless minions of the dark.
Dragule. Ruler of the spirit dragons, last of the fire-breathing spirit dragons of ancient lore.
Drustan. Captain of a northern faction of the Dark Riders. The Riders are a vile race of horsemen with a reputation as robbers and killers of the worst kind. Extremely violent and merciless. Drustan is the worst of them all. Known to torture his victims. Avoid at all costs.
Elemental Faeries of the Lost Forest. Known for creating some of the most powerful spells and potions ever devised. Live near a lake in the heart of the Lost Forest.
Eli. Alpha male and co-leader of the mountain realm of Lycanthropes, a shapeshifting species capable of taking either wolf or human-like form. Partner of Luna.
Emlyn Lekani. Sorceress and mistress of Gwydion Arawyn, King of Annwn. Mother of Niri. Assassinated by an army of warrior mages bent on eradicating the line of Arawyn. Recognizable by her auburn hair and striking green eyes.
Evelyn Greenwood. Wife to Jack Greenwood. Original keeper of the Green Emerald. Daughter of Mireil and James Donaldson.
Ewan Duncan. Niri's former husband.
Greyleaves. Sprite warrior and Captain of the Border Regiment. Originally from Darkwood Caill. Father of Rhia.
Gryffin MacGregor. Goes by Gryff. Expert thief. Partner to Niri.
Gwydion Arawyn. King of Annwn. Father of Niri. Notorious rogue. Fell defending his realm at the Siege of Arawyn Castle when Niri was but twelve days old.
The Horsemen. Renowned as honourable men and skilled warriors. Charged by the King of Annwn to defend the realm in ancient times, they were the precursor to the Knights of Annwn. The codes of chivalry they established became the basis for the Cnichtengil. The original founders of the Horsemen became known as the Eight.
Hugh Bridges. A wise and most sensible sprite mage. Serves on the Council of Eight. Keeper of the Crystal Staff.
Ice Giants. Though they may seem slow or sometimes dull-witted, ice giants are a notoriously dangerous foe, for in the cold mountain regions where they most commonly reside, they can regenerate or even multiply by drawing upon the snow on the ground or the frost in the air. Most projectile weapons and spells are ineffectual against Ice Giants, due to their ability to quickly regenerate. Ice Giants have been known to grow up to sixty feet tall at full maturity.
Jack Greenwood. Formerly of the Castleton Regiment. Master of the Keep at Castleton. Fought at the Battle of Stony Farm with Niri.
James Donaldson. Husband to Mireil, father of Evelyn Greenwood. A King's guardsman and undercover agent.
John Greenwood. Son of Jack Greenwood, heir and proprietor to the Keep at Castleton.
John Ward. One of the original Eight - the first of the Horsemen, charged by the King with protecting the Realm. Now, a guardian warrior of the spirit world.
Knights of Annwn. Charged by the King of Annwn to defend the realm.
Knights of Dyfed. A once noble race of men long ago corrupted by the Witch’s evil lure, who have grown in violence and viciousness through the ages as their minds became more twisted by her spell.
Lady Kenna Rhayader. Royal Highness and ruler of the spirit realm of Gamelyon. Keeper of the first piece of the map to the Unknown Door.
Loic. Delta wolf of the pack and expert on sparring and combat techniques.
Loris. Leader of a race of shape-shifting, underwater creatures known as the Sirrhinni who live in an ocean realm in the spirit world called Lemoroidea.
Luna. Alpha female and co-leader of the mountain realm of Lycanthropes. Partner of Eli. With their matching long red hair, Luna and Niri are sometimes mistaken for sisters.
Maxilon. Royal Guardsman to the Lady Rhayader, Royal Highness and ruler of the spirit realm of Gamelyon
Meghan Hardy. Answers to Meg. Former assassin for hire. Guardian warrior of the spirit world.
Merthyrs. Also known as Dark Riders. Recognizable by the blackened leather they wear from head to toe and for riding large, heavy horses. Ruthless, soulless, and without mercy. Known to torture their victims. Avoid at all cost.
Mireil Donaldson. An Emerald Spirit who inhabited both the living world and the spirit world. Capable of appearing in the dreams of the living. Long bound to a green emerald that acted as a conduit between the two worlds, until she was eventually freed from the emerald by Niri.
Mistress Witch. Evil personified. Skilled with sword and bow alike and quick on her feet. The Dark Magic runs strong within her. Known for ensnaring her victims' minds, driving them to madness as she bends them to her will. Rose to prominence after the Second Siege at the ruins of Arawyn Castle that saw the fall of the Clan of Annwn.
Niri Lekani. As a Sorceress Supreme, Niri has mastered the secret of long life, and so despite her youthful looks - and despite having led an adventurous and ofttimes dangerous existence - Niri's story spans a great many centuries across some of the most turbulent times in the long history of the Shadow World. A brief bio of Niri, as told by Niri herself, can be found here.
Reese Ailin. Captain of the Ninth Guard of dwarf warriors.
Rhia. Sprite-warrior. Expert with bow and sword alike. Daughter of Greyleaves.
Rhys the Hunter. A Sylph from the northern treetop village of Llanfor. Expert hunter known for his stealthy and brutally effective attacks from above. Spouse to Angharad. Father of Lily and Llewellyn.
Roger North. Alchemist of the caverns of Stone Keep. Husband to Agnes North.
Samantha Day. Exiled leader of the real Tuath Dé underground rebel tribe.
Sara Mousahdeen. Master alchemist. Senior member of the Alchemists Guild. Specialist in the art of Qi. Known for her well-stocked shop in Riverton where all things alchemy can be found - for a price. Never mess with the alchemists - Gryff MacGregor.
Sylphs. More commonly known as Air Spirits. The Sylphs are a race of majestic half human half birds possessed of ancient souls and a surprising ability to perceive the truth and detect lies. Very handy to have around in a poker game or when negotiating a contract.
Therianthropic. Half human, half animal. Most commonly found with a human body and the head of an animal. In some rare cases, this is reversed.
The Three Sisters of Morrigan. In ancient mythology, the Morrigan sisters strike fear into their enemies and inspire warriors to accomplish remarkable things. "May the Three Sisters of Morrigan protect you" is an ancient blessing before battle.
Torben, Thunder Bear. Torben is the brother of Arthur, Spirit Bear. He is the proprietor of the Drymen Inn & Alehouse in the town of Clachan in the Spirit World.
The Tuath Dé. Translated, meaning The Tribe of the Gods. Ruthless mages inhabiting the Misty Mountains who follow a forbidden sect of divine magic and long ago succumbed to the dark.
(unnamed male mage). Leader of the Tuath Dé.
The White Brigade. A legion of shadow spirits. Dreamwalkers - spirits of the dead who refuse to cross over - or who are prevented from doing so by other spirits. Shadow spirits are foul, brutal creatures. Exceedingly powerful and without mercy, they fear nothing, no man, nor beast, nor magic of any kind, for they are already dead and have nothing to lose save their own miserable existence.
William Broadstreet. One of the original Eight - the first of the Horsemen, charged by the King with protecting the Realm. Now, a guardian warrior of the spirit world.
Wood Sprites. Inhabitants of the Black Forest of Cammachmore. Experts in woodcraft, magic and a variety of fighting skills. Supreme masters of the Five Elements and chief guardians of Qi. Raised Niri after her parents were killed.
Woodsmen of Kamatero. A race of master Woodsmiths expert in making enchanted cloaks from the thin, almost translucent bark of the Coldfir sapling.
Wulvers. Once belonging to the Lycanthrope race, now possessed by a potent dark magic. Grisly, carnivorous half-dead demons. Ashen, emaciated bodies and long claw-like hands. Possibly under the control of the Mistress Witch.
Wyvern. Small, winged creatures similar to dragons - though much smaller. Wyvern have two legs, whereas a dragon has four. Capable of breathing fire. Highly aggressive when provoked. Known to travel in swarms.
Princess Wynifin. Sprite Princess, charged with raising Niri after her parents were killed. Lived within the heart of the Black Forest of Cammachmore.
Yale. Leader of the wood sprites of Oakenshire.